MOTUS-E launches a Call for Papers and
the Best Thesis Award
MOTUS-E launches a Call for Papers and a Best Thesis Award: until February 21st 2020, universities, graduates, undergraduates, researchers and professionals are invited to present their own contribution about one of the clusters launched by MOTUS-E.
The three selected papers and the winner of the Best Thesis Award will also have the opportunity to attend the MOTUS-E Event in Rome in 2020.
MOTUS-E Event, now in its second edition, is the annual MOTUS-E meeting about the future of electric mobility: a day of sharing, co-creation, to talk about technology and sustainability.
MOTUS-E is the first Italian Association to bring together industries, the transport sector, the academia, consumer associations and opinion movements, to favour the transition towards a more sustainable model of mobility, in a context in which technologies and digital transformation play a crucial role.
1. Charging infrastructure
- Innovative high-power charging systems: technologies, impacts, requirements (multimodal charging hub;
- Charging infrastructure needs and related business models.
2. Batteries
- New storage systems: new chemicals, reuse and recycling, business model and battery markets.
3. Intelligent transport and mobility management
- Fleet management and charging software: TPL, car-sharing, freight, company cars
- Prospects of electric vehicles in public and freight transport
- The use of electric vehicles in urban freight transport networks and in public transportation system: new strategies and best practices
- Total Cost of Ownership assessment for electric and ICE vehicles
- Electric, connected, autonomous and shared cars: future prospects and business models
- Study of the impact of vehicle sharing mechanisms (including micro-mobility) on consumer mobility habits
4. Vehicle engineering
- Vehicles design (cars, buses, vehicles for freight transport): innovative cooling/heating systems, integration of batteries, platform and frames, new materials
- Design of the electric powertrain
5. Energy Sector
- Impact of transition to electric mobility on the power system
- Smart charging solutions, Vehicle-Grid Integration and their implementation
6. Environmental impact
- Evaluation of environmental benefits (contribution to air quality) of electric mobility in urban areas
- Life Cycle Assessment and energy consumption assessment for electric and ICE vehicles. A comparative analysis.
7. Policies, markets and industry
- Study of the impacts of policy interventions on the electric vehicle market (eg fiscal mechanisms and incentives)
- Incentive schemes to support electric vehicle penetration
- Impact of transition to electric mobility on the automotive industry
- National, regional and local / urban public policies in favour of electric mobility.
- Qualitative and quantitative analysis of public policy to support electric mobility.
Call for Papers
Until February 21st 2020, universities, undergraduates, researchers and professionals are invited to present their own contribution in the form of short papers about of the clusters launched by MOTUS-E.
The paper can be uploaded in Italian 🇮🇹 or English 🇬🇧.
You have until February 21st 2020 to apply. The outcome will be communicated starting from April 15th 2020.
who is this for?

The Call for Paper is open to universities, researchers, academics and professionals who want to bring change to the electric mobility sector.

1st classified
2nd classified
3rd classified
Best Thesis Award
Until February 21st 2020 is also open a Best Thesis Award.
If your graduation thesis was about one of the clusters, upload it and try to win the “Best Thesis Award.” by MOTUS-E.
The thesis can be uploaded in Italian 🇮🇹 or English 🇬🇧.
You have until February 11st 2020 to apply. The outcome will be communicated starting from April 15th 2020.
who is this for?

The Best Thesis Award is open to graduates (Bachelor degree or Master’s degree) who discussed their thesis in the year 2017, 2018 or 2019.

€ 1.000

Scholarship of a total value of 3.290€, for a master of advanced training in "E-Mobility & electric powertrain" in Bergamo. More infos in the Guidelines.